
Photo of david

i’m david.

i’m an ecuadorian industrial designer. my professional expertise ranges from industry level product design, traditional and digital manufacturing to co-founding an alternative materials development startup through social and environmental sustainability practices.

my main interest is collective human behavior. understanding how and why we behave as we do as a community. how we as a species shape our environment particularly through mass migration and how that affects us as an ever evolving community. to understand emerging dynamics through cultural exchange and what can we as a society do to understand the behavior that better defines us as a species (migration) as a transition rather than a problem.

i’m interested in the part of society affected by this negative perspective of this or any human conduct or precarious situation. i’m interested in designing for those who can’t afford design.

Previous work

as mentioned above, i have experience in industry level industrial design. specifically, digital manufacturing in the role of industrial designer for a small size factory in ecuador.

my responsibilities in this company where extremely boring. nevertheless, i managed to develop a side project i am really proud of.

don fabi / bipedestador

the section showcases half of a two part project developed within the mentioned factory but as a kind of side job.

it consists of two assistive products developed by request for don fabian, specifically for his son, who suffered severe neurological trauma leaving him in a vegetative state, due to a car accident.

don fabian is an employee at the factory and a man of scarce resources.

the request was to build a stander that would serve as an aid for the user to be able to receive adequate physiotherapy at home.

the main purpose of this assistive product was to allow the user to go from a lying position to a standing position. additionally, the product had to allow the patient to be transported around the house.

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